MT4 Forex Trades History Indicator Download


MT4 Forex Trades History Indicator takes the trades displayed in MT4’s Terminal and plots them on the Metatrader 4 chart. Settings: C to display closed orders only, O to display open orders only, OC to show both open and closed orders, OCP to show open, closed and pending orders, Show OrderTypes, Entry Settings, SL Settings, TP Settings, Exit Loss Settings, Exit Profit Settings, Horiz Line Length, Equity, Calc Basis, Price format, Price, Format JPY, Pips Format, Amount Format, Percent Format, R Format, Lots Format, Pip Value Format, Duration Format, Date Time Format, Visibility, Output File etc.
Download MT4 Forex Trades History Indicator

MT4 Forex Trades History Indicator
MT4 Forex Trades History Indicator

1000пип Буилдер Довнлоад

1000pip Climber System Download

Овај унос је објављен у МТ4 Форек индикатори, ЕАс, Сцпритс и означен . Означи пермалинк.

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