Risk, Stop Loss and Position Size (VCD)


أمازون برايس: لا يوجد (اعتبارًا من يوليو 11, 2018 11:15 مساء – تفاصيل). أسعار المنتجات وتوافرها دقيقة اعتبارًا من التاريخ / الوقت المحدد وهي عرضة للتغيير. أي معلومات عن الأسعار والتوافر المعروضة على موقع أمازون في وقت الشراء ستنطبق على شراء هذا المنتج.

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غير متاح حاليا

Synopsis: Trading is about the management of risk. But the failure rate among traders and investors suggests that many do not fully understand the concept of risk. This presentation by Daryl Guppy tackles risk head-on by showing traders and investors how to identify the risk component in each trade. Guppy walks you through the financial calculations and then shows you how to match these calculations with chart-based analysis. This is the key to trading high reward opportunities with low risk and is also the essential foundation for the most effective techniques in setting stop loss points. These calculations can provide a solution for position sizing, which can more precisely control risk. Guppy shows you how to choose between competing trade opportunities by applying risk/reward ratio analysis to select trades with a higher probability of success. Using a series of actual trades, he shows how money management improves results without the need to increase the number of profitable trades. Risk calculation spreadsheet templates are included. Additional topics include: *Learn how risk is really measured *Why high reward does not have to mean high risk *Learn why investors must apply risk management concepts *Match financial risk with chart-based risk *Set better stop loss points *Use risk/reward ratios to select better trades *Improve trading performance with money management *Use Better Stock Trading by Daryl Guppy as an additional reference *This video is in VCD format. It will play on both CD and DVD computer drives. It will also play in most DVD playerscheck the manual to see if your DVD player is VCD compatible.

1000تنزيل نظام Pip Climber

هذا الادخال تم نشره تجارة الفوركس EA, كتب إلكترونية, أشرطة فيديو, كتب ووسم , , , . المرجعية الرابط الثابت.

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