Stock Market Options Trading EducationProfessional High Probability Spread Strategies, Iron Condor, Credit Spreads, Calendar Spreads, Calls and Puts, Greeks, Trade Adjustments, Make Money with Trading Pro SystemOver 32 Hours of Video


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The Trading Pro System is the ultimate real world options trading education course

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Watch over the shoulder of a real trader as he explains in detail the techniques and strategies
you can learn in order to make money trading both bull and bear markets, in just 15 minutes a day.

Trade high probability Iron Condors, Credit and Calendar spreads to generate regular monthly
income or build long term wealth

Over 25 hours of video and audio education, 2 PDF guides and 3 Excel worksheets.

Trade with confidence by mastering stock selection, portfolio building, technical analysis and the Greeks.

11 easy to follow modules covering:

Trading as a Business
Use the Greeks to analyze your trades
Trade Selection and Strategies
How to build a successful Portfolio
Must Have Trading Tools (Think or Swim)
Portfolio Management
Secrets of Trade Adjustments
How to close Positions for Maximum Profit
Technical Analysis Overview
Advanced Techniques and Wealth Building
Explosive Trading Strategy Examples

Bonus Options Videos

Inside Days Trading System (69 maminetsi)
Extreme Day Trading Secrets (50 maminetsi)

Bonus Trading Books

Includes 9 bonus trading books

Bonus Forex Videos

Modules 1 and 2 of The Daily Trading System – 7 hours of Forex education

The videos can be watched on either a PC or Mac using a wide range of video players

This disc does not work in a DVD player, it can only be played a computer DVD drive (PC or MAC)

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ZVINOKOSHA! Kugona kupfuurira, iwe unofanirwa kugadzirisa iyo inotevera yakapusa math (saka tinoziva kuti uri munhu) :-)