Tag Archives: 0230202608

Foreign Exchange Exposure in Emerging Markets: How Companies Can Minimize It

Foreign Exchange Exposure in Emerging Markets: How Companies Can Minimize It [Gastón Fornés] אויף . *פריי * שיפּינג פֿאַר קוואַלאַפייינג אָפפערס. One of the first works studying foreign exchange exposure in emerging markets. The analysis takes a broad approach and concludes with a tool that multinatonal companies can apply to improve the effectiveness of their risk management activities against variations in the exchange rate as well as other business risks. פאָרזעצן לייענען

אַרייַנגעשיקט אין Forex Trading עאַ, עבאָאָקס, ווידיאס, ספר | טאַגד , , , , , , , , | לאָזן אַ באַמערקונג