Тегтер мұрағаты: 1482721929

Techniques for Mastering Bollinger Bands: Trading Bollinger Bands like the Pros (Trend Following Mentor)

Techniques for Mastering Bollinger Bands: Trading Bollinger Bands like the Pros (Trend Following Mentor) [Andrew Abraham] қосулы . *ТЕГІН * біліктілік ұсыныстарына жеткізу. Table of Contents Introduction Day Trading Bollinger Bands Bollinger Bands with RSI Support & Resistance with Bollinger Bands Trend Breakouts with Bollinger Bands Trading Bollinger Bands in a Portfolio Following Trading Plan Risk & Money Management Hypothetical Example of a Portfolio Introduction John Bollinger developed the concept of Bollinger bands in the 1980s. Bollinger bands are volatility bands placed above and below a moving average with a multiple of a standard of deviation. The length of this moving average can vary depending on the time frame of the trader and the sensitivity. The standard for position sizing (daily bars) is generally 20 periods. However for day trading it is suggested to be much less. It can be as little as 10 periods. This is something the individual trader can test depending on their own personal preferences. Volatility is based on the standard deviation Әрі қарай оқу

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