ట్యాగ్ ఆర్కైవ్స్: 1539385035

The Price of Normal (Killing People) (వాల్యూమ్ 2)

The Price of Normal (Killing People) (వాల్యూమ్ 2) [Meb Bryant, Lori Petak] పై . *క్వాలిఫైయింగ్ ఆఫర్‌లపై ఉచిత * షిప్పింగ్. Can a sociopath abandon his natural instincts and be “normal”? He uses several names but never his own since his death twelve years ago. Others have labeled him as a sociopath and he accepts that term and credits the sociopathy for his business success. Although he wants to change and be like normal people చదవడం కొనసాగించు

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