The A-Z Of Forex TradingA Simple Guide For Beginners


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"The A-Z Of Forex Trading" is a simple guide for beginners that will teach you how to make money forex trading. This book is written for novice traders as well as investors with a little knowledge or experience. Forex is by far the biggest and most popular financial market in the world with over $1.5 trillion dollars traded daily. The FX Market is traded globally by individuals as well as banks and large organizations. The reality is that practically anyone can enter the forex markets and place trades. You don't need to be super-rich or the owner of a big corporation. You just need a few dollars, lire sterline, euros or yen to start profiting from forex. Get the forex education you need starting from today by reading "The A-Z Of Forex Trading." Discover the difference between the traditional Stock Market and the Forex Market. Learn the special trading terminology used in forex trading, and discover why fundamental and technical analysis is so important. By reading this book thoroughly, you will gain all the knowledge and understanding you need to start participating in forex trading. Here's a small sample of chapters in this book. What Is The Stock Market What Is The Forex Market Forex Trading Terms Behind The Scenes In Forex Trading The Advantages of Forex Trading How To Make Money With Forex The Power Of Leverage Trading Fundamental & Technical Analysis Understanding Technical Indicators Fibonacci Retracement Trading How To Interpret Forex Charts Analyzing Candlestick Patterns The Best Forex Trading Strategies Money Management Techniques And MUCH More!

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