The Fantastic World of Foreign Exchange TradingFOREX (Interactive CD-Rom)


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Get introduced to the exciting world of foreign exchange currency trading, also known as Forex, FX or currency trading. OTA Lead instructor Mike Mc Mahon will teach you all aspects of the Forex trading world using the latest tools and software. You will learn how the professional traders control their own order flow and how you can too by using the state-of-the-art ECN for Forex Trading. You will learn how the pros make money and learn the differences between Forex and equities trading. Decide for yourself which is the best instrument for you. Don't be surprised to find that you can use BOTH in harmony. Forex offers 50 a 1 leverage and 24/6 trading hours. Learn to trade with discipline, a plan and the technical tools that the World Currency Traders use. Topics covered include: Trading InstrumentsWhich currencies and WhyPipsHow to make moneyLeverageUse of Margin at 50:1 –OverheadCost of Doing Businessand much, much more…! (This is a CDRom based product and is intended for use in computers equipped with CD-Rom readers only. This product is not intended for use with DVD equipment or Automobile-CD players.)

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