The Foreign Exchange and Money Markets Guide (Wiley Finance)


Ixabiso leAmazon: $79.95 $29.06 Uyonga: $50.89 (64%) (ukusukela ngoJulayi 10, 2018 11:23 emva kwemini – Iinkcukacha). Amaxabiso emveliso kunye nokufumaneka kwawo kuchanekile ngokomhla / ixesha elibonisiweyo kwaye ziya kutshintsha. Naliphi na ixabiso kunye nolwazi lokufumaneka oluboniswe kwindawo yeAmazon ngexesha lokuthenga luya kusebenza ekuthengweni kwale mveliso.

Investing in the vital foreign exchange and money markets is introduced. Offers a working understanding of the markets and their respective systems. Describes all aspects of trading calculations including spot calculations, forwards, short dates, adjustments, and artificial currency units. Examines new market areas, from currency swap and currency option markets tothird generation'' hedging products. Discusses a variety of related money market instruments.

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