The Market Whisperer: A New Approach to Stock Trading


Preu d'Amazon: $17.83 $17.83 Estalvieu: (%) (a partir de juliol 12, 2018 1:46 estic – Detalls). Els preus i la disponibilitat dels productes són exactes a la data / hora indicada i poden estar modificats. Qualsevol informació sobre preus i disponibilitat que es mostri al lloc d’Amazon en el moment de la compra s’aplicarà a la compra d’aquest producte.

NOW IT’S TIME TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Are you tired of not moving ahead? Now is the time to make the decision to change. Let me teach you how to break the routine, work less, enjoy the good life you deserve, and become financially independent. I’ll teach you, step-by-step, to become a trader, skilled at creating an ongoing income from the buying and selling of stocks over one trading day or several days or weeks. I’ll share the secrets of traders that have done it before. This is a profession that made me wealthy in just a few years. THE MARKET WHISPERER is an essential guide to stock trading. It is ideal for those with no background or experience, as well as for experienced investors who lack sufficient skills for active stock trading. It will guide you towards becoming financially independent and put you in control of your own destiny. Topics include: • Fundamentals of trading • Choosing the right broker and trading platform • How to choose winning stocks • How to profit from rising or falling markets • Technical analysis • Basic and advanced trading methods • Financial and risk management • Trading psychology • Self-empowerment Don’t delay! Now is your time to make the move of a lifetime!

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