Trading in the Global Currency Markets Second Edition


Amazon-prys: $75.00 $9.00 Jy spaar: $66.00 (88%) (vanaf Julie 12, 2018 12:02 pm – besonderhede). Produkpryse en beskikbaarheid is akkuraat vanaf die aangeduide datum / tyd en is onderhewig aan verandering. Enige prys- en beskikbaarheidsinligting wat ten tyde van die aankoop op die Amazon-webwerf verskyn, is van toepassing op die aankoop van hierdie produk.

An in depth look at the tremendous potential of this vital market with expert advice from one of the foremost authorities. The foreign exchange market is the world's largest and fastest growing financial terrain. Despite its high trading volume, it is also a market little understood and little regulated. This definitive resource brings the universe of foreign exchange within reach of every investor. The revised edition includes complete comprehensive coverage of the euro and the latest historical and economic changes in the market.

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Cornelius Luca, a renowned authority on international investing, draws on the insights of leading experts in diverse fields of specialty to explain every crucial aspect of foreign exchange. He provides investors with an arsenal of trading weapons, many on the cutting edge of technology. Demystifying the intricacies of these markets, the book includes:

Analysis of the mechanics of the market, the major players and markets, the pertinent risks, corporate trading, and methods of trading execution.

A thorough overview of foreign exchange instruments and major option strategies, with clear explanations of why currencies are traded and how to forecast currency behavior. An in-depth look at the three types of analysis: fundamental, technical, and econometric. Featuring 200 charts and graphics, TRADING IN THE GLOBAL CURRENCY MARKETS is an indispensable guide to a daunting yet promising financial playing field.

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Hierdie inskrywing is geplaas in Forex Trading EA, eBooks, video's, boeke en gemerk , , , , , , , , , . Boekmerk die permalink.

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