Avtomatlaşdırılmış Forex Ticarət Robotu Nədir??


Sifarişlərin alqı-satqısı, valyuta bazarı əsas proqramı əsasında avtomatik olaraq yola çıxan. Bu forex avtomatik ticarət adlanan ticarət strategiyasıdır. Bu strategiyanın iki əsas növü var. Avtomatlaşdırılmış forex ticarət robotu və siqnal əsaslı forex avtomatik ticarət.

Bu yazıda, avtomatlaşdırılmış forex ticarət robotu haqqında danışacağıq, qara qutu və ya alqoritmik ticarətlə eyni xüsusiyyətlərə malikdir. Bu növ avtomatik ticarətdə, kompüterdəki bir alqoritm sifarişin xüsusiyyətinə qərar verir, qiymət daxildir, vaxtı və ya miqdarı və sifarişini avtomatik bir şəkildə təyin edir. İstifadəçilərə proqramın texniki parametrlərini dəyişdirərək müdaxilə etməyə icazə verilməsinə baxmayaraq, lakin, proqram digər nəzarətləri idarə edir.

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Through automated forex trading robot, man power is no longer needed to do physical trading on forex system. This budding field started for quite some time now. This automated trading that has two categories, one is made through managed forex, the second is your own creation of forex system, which has programming and trading abilities like Wealth Lab and other trading programs.

The former category is a passive trading; you need not do anything because this trading program is executed by a robot. Digər tərəfdən, a forex system, which you made on your own, requires skills on programming like Pascal; you can also choose parameters and try the performance of your system. Nevertheless, both of these categories need no human force to conduct the physical trade, it can do the trading jobs any day or night. At times that the trader is not in front of his computer or is sleeping, the trading continues which implies that any opportunities can be seized making you profitable through this program.

Using the automated forex trading robot, multiple systems trading can be achieved. The systems can depend on diverse kinds of indicators or rely on shorter or longer time frames, which allow you to branch out dangers and level out your equity curve.

There are trader’s psychology that can cause improper trade system, or you sometimes miscalculate your discretion, to eliminate this problem, choose the automated forex trading robot to keep your performance at a good level. This strategy will also help you in developing new and advance systems which cannot be handled by human trading like using tick data on systems with high frequency.

Lakin, you can only enjoy the advantages of automated forex trading robot when you have a profitable forex system and satisfactory drawdown based on your previous performance. The profitable forex system have to be programmable, not robot automated. Üstəlik, you must still monitor your trading performance to ensure that the system is functioning well, though you are into automated or active trading.

To date, many forex-trading providers has developed automated trading interfaces that perform auto trading. So, expect that in the days to come more programmers will offer their skills to code trading software like Wealth Lab and other forex trading robot programs. There can also be more providers on managed forex auto trading, which can be very handy since you need not design your own system. Just subscribe and off you go to a very successful automatic trading.

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