Hvad er Pivot punkt indikator


The Forex Market began as an inter banker exchange program that was used to transform currencies. Even the roots of the word explain the significance of it: Udenlandsk valuta. Soon after it began the Forex market attracted many traders because mainly of the high liquidity and high earning potential. Although the risk is higher than any other types of trading it grew to 1490 trillion dollars in spot transaction and a total of almost 3000 trillion dollars in other transactions being the biggest trading markets ever to exist.
To avoid risks there have been developed theories and indicators that help the trader calculate and minimize them. In the trader world the Pivot Points Indicator is one of the most important tools that any trader should know and use. But what is the pivot point indicator? This particular indicator shows the level (the line) where the general trend of the day switches its direction. Using a few mathematical calculus and the maximum and minimum prices of the previous day we could foresee and derive the series of this pivot. For the more these points can be considered support and critical resistance levels of that day that will become the pivot levels. Each day traders use Open, Close, High and Low prices (the Forex Market that is considered to be open 24 hours uses as Open/Close prices the prices at 5 pm EST or 2 pm PST). This data is enough to calculate the level of the pivot point indicator. Niveauerne af omdrejningspunktet er så populære, fordi de er let forudsigelige niveauer, og de er meget nyttigt at træffe en beslutning i handelsdag ved hjælp af data fra de seneste dage at finde de potentielle niveauer af tendensen switch. You should also keep in mind that if most traders know this method you can expect the market to be too predictable and that the effects of this strategy to de diminished or heightened. Also I’m thinking that among small investors are found big ones that use this classic method knowing this but forcing and anticipating these movements in the market with the proper consequences.
This is why these simple deductions of the levels of the pivot point indicator can be seen as opportunities to invest especially in a highly volatile market like Forex.

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