阿米甚被子店之謎 (艾蒂史密斯阿米甚之謎) (卷 5)


亞馬遜價格: $12.99 $12.99 您保存: (%) (截至7月 12, 2018 10:13 上午 – 細節). 產品價格和可用性是準確的顯示的日期/時間,並有可能發生變化. 在購買時間上亞馬遜網站顯示的任何價格和可用性的信息將適用於購買本產品.

Amish woman, Bethany Parker, finally realizes her dream of opening her own quilt shop. Yet only days after the grand opening, when she invites Ettie Smith to see her store, they discover the body of a murdered man. At first Bethany is concerned that the man is strangely familiar to her, but soon she has more pressing worries when she discovers her life is in danger. Bethany had always been able to rely on her friend, Jabez, but what are his true intentions toward her?


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什麼是 3 + 9 ?
重要! 為了能夠繼續進行, 你需要解決以下幾個簡單的數學 (所以我們知道你是一個人) :-)