Amish Quilt Shop Mystery (Ettie Smith Amish Mysteries) (Ivolumu 5)


Intengo ye-Amazon: $12.99 $12.99 Wonga imali: (%) (kusukela ngoJulayi 12, 2018 10:13 am – Imininingwane). Amanani womkhiqizo nokutholakala kunembile kusukela ngosuku / isikhathi esikhonjisiwe futhi olungashintsha. Noma imuphi imininingwane yentengo nokutholakala eboniswe kusayithi le-Amazon ngesikhathi sokuthenga kuzosebenza ekuthengeni kwalo mkhiqizo.

Amish woman, Bethany Parker, finally realizes her dream of opening her own quilt shop. Yet only days after the grand opening, when she invites Ettie Smith to see her store, they discover the body of a murdered man. At first Bethany is concerned that the man is strangely familiar to her, but soon she has more pressing worries when she discovers her life is in danger. Bethany had always been able to rely on her friend, Jabez, but what are his true intentions toward her?

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