Trading Análisis de Fibonacci en Forex


las operaciones de cambio de Fibonacci es la base de muchos sistemas de comercio de divisas utilizados por un gran número de corredores de la divisa profesionales en todo el mundo, y muchos miles de millones de dólares son rentables negociados cada año en base a estas técnicas de negociación.

Fibonacci fue un matemático italiano y es más recordado por su famosa secuencia de Fibonacci mundo, the definition of this sequence is that it’s formed by a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers; 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 …But in the case of currency trading what is more important for the forex trader is the Fibonacci ratios derived from this sequence of numbers, es decir. .236, .50, .382, .618, etc..

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These ratios are mathematical proportions prevalent in many places and structures in nature, as well as in many man made creations.

Forex trading can greatly benefit from this mathematical proportions due to the fact that the oscillations observed in forex charts, where prices are visibly changing in an oscillatory pattern, follow Fibonacci ratios very closely as indicators of resistance and support levels; maybe not to the last cent, but so close as to be really amazing.

Fibonacci price points, or levels, for any forex currency pair can be calculated in advance so that the trader will know when to enter or exit the market if the prediction given by the Fibonacci forex day trading system he uses fulfills its predictions.

Many people tries to make this analysis overly complicated scaring away many new forex traders that are just beginning to understand how the forex market works and how to make a profit in it. But this is not how it has to be. I can’t say it’s a simple concept but it is quite understandable for any trader once he or she has grasped the basics and has had some practice trading using Fibonacci levels along with other secondary indicators that will help to improve the accuracy of the entry and exit point for every particular trade.

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